Frequently Asked Questions

  • Vicky and Liz are multi-certified trainers with experience working with thousands of families and dogs.

    Get to know them better!

  • We’ve worked with thousands of different dogs and dozens of different breeds. While breed and genetics do impact behaviour, and we take all aspects of a dog’s personality into consideration when developing a training plan, the science of learning theory confirms that force-free, evidence based methods are the most effective for all dogs, regardless of breed.

  • We have extensive experience working with a wide variety of behaviours, ranging from puppies and their perfect chaos, to dogs with serious aggression concerns, to feral pups, and everything in between. While we enjoy working with all dogs (Puppies? Yes please!) Vicky specializes in highly fearful and anxious dogs and Liz specializes in separation anxiety.

  • Yes! Vicky specializes in cat behaviour and is thrilled to help you with all your feline questions, from eliminating outside the litter box to harmony in multi-animal homes, to more serious behaviour concerns.

  • First of all, we’re so sorry this happened. What an incredibly stressful and emotional time for you. Bites are hard and all the many feelings you’re probably feeling right now are 100% valid. Yes. We absolutely do work with dogs who have puncture histories, both with other dogs and with humans.

  • Force-free means that we never use any sort of pain, fear, or intimidation in our training set-ups or techniques. Not only is pain/fear/force unnecessary for behaviour change, its use can lead to dangerous and negative consequences down the road. The latest behaviour science confirms that positive reinforcement techniques are effective to support all dogs and behaviours while preserving your relationship with your dog and their comfort and safety. Force-free training also places an emphasis on the holistic welfare of your dog - we aim not only to teach specific behaviours, but to help you gain a better understanding of your dog and learn how to support them in all aspects of their life with you.

  • We are unable to guarantee results as we are working with another living being and we will never be able to fully control their behaviour. There are too many factors that can determine the outcome that are outside of our control, both inside and outside of your home. We strive to give you the tools needed to achieve your goals and may recommend the addition of more sessions or outside services such as veterinary care. In our sessions, we will talk about expectations, goals, and timelines together.

  • We understand that it can feel overwhelming to commit to a package without meeting us or having a sense of what our time together might look like. For folks who are interested in booking a single session, our 90-minute Behavioural Consultation/Assessment is right for you!

    All returning clients (including those who have worked with Liz or Vicky in other capacities) can book single training sessions as needed.

  • Once your initial package is finished, you are welcome to book one or more sessions whenever you’d like to reconnect and can always stay in touch via email.

  • Our business days are Sunday–Thursday and do not include stat holidays.

    For all new inquiries, you can expect a response from us within 2–3 business days. All sessions and consultations run on an appointment-only model and generally our hours that we see clients run from late morning to 5:00pm.

    We strive to create a work-life balance so that we can be present for our own families and pets AND show up as our best selves for you.

  • Currently, our primary method of payment is online payment through our virtual booking system, but we also accept e-transfer, cash, or cheque.

    We are always happy to accommodate different budgets, so connect with us to talk about payment plan options.

  • Simply complete our short booking form, and we’ll be in touch within 2–3 business days.

    (Business days are from Sunday–Thursday and don’t include stat holidays).

  • Booking a 90-minute assessment (either in-person or virtual) is an amazing way to connect with a trainer, allow them to assess your dog or cat, and receive advice to implement right away. If you choose to pursue training sessions after your assessment, great! You will be able to hit the ground running and continue implementing the plan given to you during your assessment.

  • We do not have a physical location and we come to you!

    All sessions either take place in your home, in your neighbourhood, or virtually.

    We serve Edmonton and the surrounding area in-person or virtually, and have worked with families nationally and internationally through virtual training.

  • YES! Virtual sessions are an incredible resource that allows you and your pup to work in the comfort of your own home and allows your trainer to see 100% natural behaviour without the introduction of a new distraction (a new human carrying a bunch of hot dogs!).

    This is a great option for all behaviours, but can be especially beneficial for pups who struggle with new humans in their environment, individuals who live outside of our service area, or folks with a busy schedule.

    Most behaviours can be effectively and comprehensively addressed through some or all of our sessions taking place virtually. Hybrid (a combination of virtual and in home) packages are also available and can be curated in consultation with your trainer.

    All Separation Anxiety packages are 100% virtual.

  • Yes! We have many clients in the Greater Edmonton Area!

    Travel fees (plus GST) apply on a per session basis. You can check out our travel fees here.

    Somewhere else? Send us an email at LittleWeirdosTraining@gmail.com
    Or consider virtual training!

  • Yes they do - sessions expire one year from the date of purchase.